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The Benefits of Studying at a Bilingual School in Granada
The Benefits of Studying at a Bilingual School in Granada

In an increasingly globalized world, mastering multiple languages has become an essential skill for academic, professional, and personal success. Studying at a bilingual school in Granada of...


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Choosing a University Degree: A Guide for 2nd Year of Baccalaureate Students
Choosing a University Degree: A Guide for 2nd Year of Baccalaureate Students

Reaching 2nd year of Baccalaureate is a crucial moment for many students, as it’s the year in which they must decide which university degree to pursue and which path to take for their ...


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Cambridge and Goethe Institute ceremony at CIG
Cambridge and Goethe Institute ceremony at CIG

Yesterday, the highly anticipated Cambridge and Goethe Institute Certificate Award Ceremony was held at the Colegio Internacional de Granada. This event was a recognition of the English and ...


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Ilias in the National EYP debate
Ilias in the National EYP debate

We are pleased and proud to highlight the participation of our 11th-grade student, Ilias, in the prestigious EYP (European Youth Parliament) debate program. This event is a unique platform w...


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Quick, they’re going fast!
Quick, they’re going fast!

The 3rd year ESO students raced against the clock to grab one of the cards with the correct answer before they were all gone. This game allowed us to practice combined operations with fracti...


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Physical Fitness in 3rd Year of ESO
Physical Fitness in 3rd Year of ESO

With the return to school and the school routine, the 3rd year ESO students at our school are immersed in the development of their physical fitness through Physical Education (PE) classes. I...


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The Magic of the Schultüte at CIG
The Magic of the Schultüte at CIG

For first-grade students in Germany, their first day of school is a special occasion filled with excitement and sweetness. One of the most cherished traditions on this important day is the p...


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A Fun and Effective Way to Learn English: 4th Graders Create Their Own Hopscotch Games
A Fun and Effective Way to Learn English: 4th Graders Create Their Own Hopscotch Games

At our bilingual school in Granada, we’re always looking for creative and innovative ways to make learning English fun and engaging for our students. One of the best ways to do this is th...


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