Logo Colegio Internacional de Granada
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Educational Style


Colegio Internacional de Granada is a place where students, teachers and parents come together. Cooperation and collaboration between families and the school is fundamental for the attainment of some common goals.

We offer personalized education, which satisfies the specific needs of each student, centering on their strengths while reinforcing creative and critical thinking.

We use an active methodology, involving students in all types of learning situations: researching, experiencing, studying, and reflecting to bring our ideas together.

This educational style is embodied in our school motto: MIND CHANGERS, LIFE CHANGERS.

Know us

Trabajo en equipo

Trabajamos en equipo. El grupo, el equipo educativo, prevalece sobre las individualidades. Estamos convencidos de que la única forma

Deseo de aprender

Participamos de la idea de que educar no es acumular, sino encender el deseo de saber, de buscar, de descubrir, de preguntar. 

Ecología y medioambiente

Apostamos por la ecología y el medioambiente y por una relación directa y respetuosa con el medio natural.

People specialists

We understand that children’s initial learning environment is their family. We therefore offer support and encouragement to create, develop and nurture family education.

Do you need more info?

Please let us know any questions you may have and we will be happy to provide you with that information

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