Logo Colegio Internacional de Granada
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We continue to be committed to our students and their families, maintaining our educational principles and values which are adapted to respond to the changing needs of EACH ONE during this period of their lives.

We continue to be committed to artistic, ethical, scientific, humanistic and social values, but feel that this is the stage where appropriate training in emotional and affective aspects, social abilities, civic education as well as technological knowledge and entrepreneurial culture become even more important learning tools.

Our educational community continues to support students by encouraging their questions and listening to their answers.  We provide an environment which cultivates creativity and initiative and allows critical thinking. By allowing students to experiment, investigate, discover and learn from their errors, this enables them to build the mental, emotional, social and strategic resources to enjoy challenge and cope well with uncertainty and complexity.

  • Languages: The Cambridge certificates obtained by our students in the primary stage support the work which has been done. We are very proud of the level of English acquired, along with German. We continue to work in a language immersion environment in such a way that our students reach a high level of multilingualism.
  • Art: We continue to invest in Drama, Music and Art Education, facilitating and helping our students develop their creativity in these fields.
  • Physical Education: …The purpose of PE is to physically educate, by combining cognitive thinking skills and physical movement.  It also develop skills, makes and applies decisions, develops physical and mental capacity to succeed, evaluates and improves performance, and most importantly promotes and helps under standthe importance of a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • Personalized educational service and programmes to cater for diversity and acknowledgement of each person’s individuality. We work everyday to consolidate et his objective, attending to students with difficulties as well as those with high abilities.
  • New technologies: Provide essential tools for both individual and group work, and offer a means of communicating to the outside world.

    Reunión informativa inicio del curso Primaria: 4 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

    Reunión informativa inicio del curso Secundaria: 9 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

    Reunión informativa inicio del curso Bachillerato: 10 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

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