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Upper Secondary Education

In this stage, students shape themselves into independent individuals who are able to look for and mould their own knowledge, adapt and integrate themselves into the changing and dynamic society which awaits them, growing and establishing themselves as active citizens who are open to the world, committed to their continual development and prepared to reach the goals they set for themselves.

Upper Secondary education is the final stage of a continuous project which begins in primary education and culminates with an education in excellency,shaping independent, creative, critical thinkers who are committed to protecting the environment and a globalized society.

Reunión informativa inicio del curso Primaria: 4 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

Reunión informativa inicio del curso Secundaria: 9 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

Reunión informativa inicio del curso Bachillerato: 10 de septiembre 2019 (18:30)

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