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One week in paradise to build up strength for this last push. Literally, this is what this trip has meant for our first of upper secondary students.

With our base in the cute and artistic village of Puerto de la Cruz, en el norte de la isla, we enjoyed diverse activities with time for strong emotions and moments of relaxation together. Just what we needed. From the thrilling water slides at Siam Park, the amusing shows at Loro Park, a visit to Teide National Park, to an afternoon whale watching and swimming below cliffs. We also had time to stroll around Puerto de la Cruz and enjoy a few performances from the MUECA street art festival, afternoons in the pool or in Lagos Martiánez, a leisure complex made up of swimming pools, and most of all, lots of teambuilding among classmates all throughout the day.

All in all, we enjoyed wonderful days full of relaxation and enjoyment, where respect and good manners were present, making the experience even more cherished.  We love having these students and enjoying such memorable times with them. Thank you to all! 

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