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We had a great celebration on December 23rd, which was our last day before the holidays.  Students from primary school went on stage to do a fantastic Christmas Carol Contest.  They performed the Christmas carols that they had been working on in music class.  They also had the opportunity to send their cards to the Three Wise Men and Santa Claus (Secret Santa) and watch the Christmas video they had filmed during their drama class, which had an original composition from our music teachers Angelina and Ismael.

As for our students from Secondary and Upper Secondary Studies, they had an awards ceremony for the V Edition of the CIG Short Film Festival and enjoyed watching all the short films that had been created by our students. 

We also enjoyed the first concert from a music group which was entirely formed by our students from 2nd of Secondary School.

To end this special day full of excitement, we began our first solidarity market with crafts made by all of the students from our school. All the money earned at the market was donated to UNICEF and Jugueterapia.  

Do not hesitate to click on the following two photos to watch the Christmas greetings of our Primary and Secondary students!


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