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The beginning of the school year always brings up a mix of nerves and enthusiasm. At Colegio Internacional de Granada, we know that the return to classes is a key moment for our students, especially those that are starting in first grade or those starting a new grade. This is why we organize a welcome program to ensure that this transition is as fluid and positive as possible.

A welcoming atmosphere for adaptation

The first day of school can be overwhelming for many students, especially those who are starting a new stage. At our school, we have developed a comprehensive approach so that each student, regardless of their grade, feels part of the community right from the start.

During back-to-school, new students are warmly welcomed and offered a guided tour of the school. Here, the oldest students play an important role, helping their younger peers get to know their new classrooms, the common spaces and the dynamics of the school. Like this, all students, both new and continuing, can easily adapt to their environment.

The importance of the transition to primary school

The transition from early childhood education to first grade is an important milestone in a child’s life. At Colegio Internacional de Granada, we are aware that this change means new responsibilities and a greater academic focus. This is why we dedicate special attention to those who are joining at this level, offering close support so that they feel confident in their new role as primary school students.

In addition to introducing them to their new classrooms and explaining how classes work, they are encouraged to participate in activities that foster collaboration and teamwork. This way, students begin the school year with a positive and motivated mindset.

A return to school in Granada full of opportunities

Colegio Internacional de Granada not only cares about the academic performance of its students, but also about their emotional and social well-being. Our educational approach is aimed at providing an environment in which each child can grow and develop fully.

During the initial weeks, in addition to focusing on welcoming new students, we organize activities that promote teamwork and camaraderie between the different courses. This creates a solid foundation for students to feel comfortable and integrated into the school dynamic, allowing them to face the challenges of the year with confidence.

A school in Granada focused on comprehensive development

At Colegio Internacional de Granada, we believe that a good education goes beyond the classroom. That is why we continuously work to offer an environment that encourages the personal and emotional growth of our students, from the first day of class. We know that a student who feels happy and motivated in their school environment will have better academic results and greater enjoyment of school life.

Our back-to-school reflects this commitment, providing each student with an experience that combines learning and personal development. Whether for those starting a new grade or for those beginning their journey in first grade, Colegio Internacional de Granada makes sure that everyone has the necessary tools to succeed.

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