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Students from 4th year of secondary education are doing a research project in class in collaboration with the CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas: Higher Council of Scientific Research), which will take place at the Zaidin Experimental Station, in particular.

The name of the project is ENERGYCOMPO and it consists of studying reactions in decomposition that occur when compost is created and taking advantage of this to create electrical energy.

Our ultimate objective is to create a system which is capable of producing electricity with compost and a plant and presenting a scientific article and a poster at the third CAOS Conference which we are participating in along with other schools in May.

For more information, we invite you to visit the web page of our collaborator, Dr. Germán Tortosa: http://www.compostandociencia.com/proyecto-caos-iii-recovery-of-electrical-energy-from-compost-energycompo-2022-23/ 

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