Continuing with the project “CIG: a Biopermeable school”, third year of secondary studies students received a talk on agroecology given by volunteers from “Brotes de Genil” (Sprouts of Genil) last Tuesday.
During the talk, they spoke about how they foster inclusion in the work of migrants, who mainly come from Africa, by giving them an opportunity to insert themselves into the workforce in our country.
The volunteers also highlighted the importance of consuming responsibly and being critical of our lifestyles and the well-being of the planet.
We already have our SUMMER CAMP 2024 prepared. This year, it will run from June 24th until July 31st. All of the proposed activities throughout the day will be in English, offering a complet...
In Grade 3, and in the first grades of Secondary, we are working on current and urgent topics for our students and their lives- their safety and wellbeing on social media. Our students fro...
On May 15th, two of our students celebrated their First Communion. After a year of waiting, they were given their due celebration and even had the chance to ring the Church bell. ...
During the week of December 12 to 16, first trimester auditions were brought to a close and our students were able to share all that they had been working on over the last few months. ...
This week we had a visit from the one and only Alejandro Estévez, a Spanish elite athlete in 800-metre dash and the 4×400. He came to speak with us about the “All Olympians” prog...
For German book day, we won an award in a competition organized by the Goethe Institut. The prize was a set of books and language learning manuals which will be added to the shelves of our s...
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