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This week we had a visit from the one and only Alejandro Estévez, a Spanish elite athlete in 800-metre dash and the 4×400.  He came to speak with us about the “All Olympians” program from the Spanish Olympic Committee to speak about the values which are inherent to the Olympics and to sports, in general: Effort, persistence, teamwork, respect, overcoming challenges, healthy habits, caring for physical and mental health…  Our students from 4th, 5th, and 6th grade had an enjoyable and enriching morning with him, having fun while being able to touch and see a wide range of Olympic sports materials up-close. 

It gave everyone involved an injection of motivation towards sport and curiosity to try new things. Sending a huge thanks to Alejandro and to the Spanish Olympic Committee for sharing this opportunity with us.  Best wishes and get well soon to Victoria Padial, our biathlon athlete from Granada, who was unable to visit us because she was sick.  We´ll see you next time. 

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