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During the last few weeks, researchers on an international scale have come to visit CIG to tell students about what life as a Scientist is like.  We were lucky enough to have with us Dr. Soledad Domingo, paleontologist from the University of Complutense and Explorer at National Geographic, who explained what it is like to live with Sabre-toothed tigers and Woolly Rhinoceroses- a real Indiana Jones from the 21st Century. We also received a visit from Juan Andrés Casquero-Vera, professor of Applied Physics at the UGR who spoke to us about a hot topic- that of environmental pollution in Granada. Pollution levels are rising to alarming levels, much higher than cities such as Madrid or Barcelona.  Lastly, we had a meeting with Emilio García, Director of the Scientific Culture Unit at the Andalusian Institute of Astrophysics, who made us aware of an enormous kilometer-wide meteor which is headed towards Earth and which might even be dangerous. This prompted us to ask the question, “How much do we know about the Universe?  It was intriguing for our students, opening their minds and passion for science.


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