Logo Colegio Internacional de Granada
Admission form

We would like to let you know that we are holding a LOGO CONTEST for our new project, which consists of reintegrating owls into our school surroundings.  This means, white owl owlets, one of the birds of prey in greatest danger of extinction in our country, will be raised and freed into the wild at our school, an idea wholly conceived by us. Students have created an email address for the activity  ( educandocongarra@gmail.com ). 

As always, we would love for you to

participate, creating your own original logos for the project. .Contest

participants should hand the logo in to the email above before Wednesday

October 20th.

The only requirement is that it is in digital format and that it is related to the topics: Education, reintegration, and owls.   It should also include the project name: Proyecto Lechuza: Educando con garra.  The winner will be announced on Friday October 22nd.  In addition to appearing in email, posters, and around the school, the winner will also have the opportunity to name one of the owlets we release

into the wild. We will be thrilled to receive your logos! Good luck!


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