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We have begun a new school year full of energy and with a ton of creative and engaging projects and activities for our students. This is thanks to our wonderful teachers at C.I.G.  Teachers who, year after year, continue to be a spectacular group of people and, furthermore, a great example for all of our students.

One such motivating example is our PE teacher. He has participated in the WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP of Adventure Racing, perhaps the toughest race in which you can participate. It has taken place in Galicia. He has participated as a member of the PEÑA GUARA-SHERPA mixed team (bringing, once again, Sherpa Raid Kids -the name of the orientation club at Colegio Internacional de Granada – up to those latitudes and levels). They have competed with another 99 clubs made up of the best athletes of this category from 24 countries around the world. They had to overcome 610 km with 17,350 m of upward slope and 17,550 downhill slope.  Between mountain biking, trekking and kayaking, orienteering themselves across those unmarked routes while being totally self-sufficient.

Congratulations, Juanfra!


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