Logo Colegio Internacional de Granada
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At Colegio Internacional de Granada we don’t leave anything to chance. Our first graduating class in Upper Secondary Education is sitting their university entrance exam and in order to obtain the best results possible, we have brought someone with more than 25 years teaching experience, specializing in preparing these exams in subjects such as Natural Science Math, Social Science Math, Chemistry and Physics.  Doctors, dentists, biochemists… believe in his preparation and achieved their goals.

The work from our group of professionals doesn’t only aim to ensure students achieve the necessary scientific knowledge but that they also know how to adequately and concisely express their ideas, thereby maximizing their scores on each exercise of the test.

Together students and teachers engage in an educational, social and human project of excellence which puts our school at the forefront of education in the province of Granada.  Since our school was founded in 2010, students have been receiving their education in a special environment with limited class sizes. This, combined with a warm, welcoming, and personalized environment, has allowed our students to face this school year, which is so unique and important for them, with a greater sense of calm and confidence.


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