Logo Colegio Internacional de Granada
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CIG has united with the Jane Goodall Institute, Spain, for the “Mobilize for the Jungle” campagne. It was more than five decades ago that Dr. Jane Goodall became a global reference for the study of chimpanzees and their conservation.

One of the main problems that these threatened primates face is the destruction of African jungles where the last of this species live.  The reason for this: Coltan mining, the “blood mineral”. Needed to make mobile phones, tablets, and computers, this has become one of the most sought after materials and unfortunately the largest seam is found below one of the last virgen jungles on the planet.  

In order to avoid over-extraction, CIG is collaborating with the mobile phone recycling campagne.  For each kilogram of coltan extracted, two Congolese people die. We can help avoid this social and environmental disaster by bringing in our old phones and dropping them in the box in the hall. Here you’ll also find a representation of the Congolese jungle and Dr. Jane Goodall, who has inspired thousands of children across generations.  

For every 30 phones we recycle, we become the foster parents of an orphaned chimpanzee at the Tchimpounga shelter. So, if you have a phone at home, no matter what it’s like, bring it in and recycle it!


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