The Colegio Internacional de Granada is a meeting place for children, teachers and parents. The cooperation and collaboration between families and the school is essential in achieving common goals. To reach them, parents are involved in school life on a regular basis; they observe, read, and discuss what and how their children are learning by exchanging information with their teachers.
Children are the main focus of our school, being listened to and respected at all times. Each child is unique with his / her own rate of development and learning style, interests, needs and potential. For these reasons, we offer an individualised education plan to meet the specific needs of every child.
Our school is situated in a beautiful, scenic location close to nature and equipped with the most modern school and sports facilities. In this unique environment, our students will enjoy studying many diverse areas of knowledge which will cultivate an enriched education.
En nuestro afán por ofrecer la máxima excelencia educativa, el Colegio Internacional de Granada imparte el “AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA”, ofreciendo a nuestro alumnado la posibilidad de obtener la doble titulación del Bachillerato Español y Estadounidense.
Gracias a este programa nuestros alumnos, desde 2º de la ESO pueden estar matriculados simultáneamente en un High School en EEUU, cursando ambos estudios al mismo tiempo.
A través del Bachillerato Dual Americano el colegio profundiza en el multilingüismo, además de potenciar valores como:
*Inmersión Lingüística y cultural; con un curriculum, profesores, y entorno de estudio 100% en Ingles.
*Inmersión Tecnológica; con una plataforma y herramientas 100% online.
*Inmersión Personal; En la gestión, esfuerzo, responsabilidad, organización y madurez del alumno
Colegio Internacional de Granada is a PLATINUM EXAMINATION CENTRE allowing for students to complete exams right in their very own school with their own classmates and in the same spaces where they normally complete their academic activities. All of this benefits since they can do their exams in a familiar situation and environment.
This collaboration allows our students to complete their exams in their own school with their classmates in the same space in which they undertake their regular academic activity. All of this allows them to complete their exams in a familiar situation and environment.
Specialists in this department work together with teachers and tutors in order to solve problems with students. Moreover and most importantly, they try to nurture the student’s development and abilities on a one-to-one basis. This helps to provide the necessary guidance for the student’s development, supporting them to achieve their potential throughout all stages of their education.
A fantastic and fun CIG SUMMER CAMP is offered in a privileged area, surrounded by nature, where there are activities for everyone: the swimming pool, theatre, English, music, horseback riding, robotics, cooking, gardening, orientation, and most importantly, SPENDING TIME together in a BILINGUAL environment which is unique and different from the rest of the year.
High quality food is prepared on-site every morning delivering a well balanced diet controlled by nutritionists. If you have any dietary problems, special foods are available on request.
School menus can be consulted on our webpage and in the mobile application of our school so that families can organise their meals accordingly outside school hours.
We have a school bus service for those students who might require it, guaranteeing fast and secure transport for our pupils.
All CIG services